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Please log-in to post. If you need to you don't have an account then please register. Once logged in you can return here to post you listings.

Submit An Event

Everything you need to know about submiting your dance events via Where To Dance.

Posting your event/events is FREE but requires registration to our website. 

Before you can submit your event on our website you must register on our website. Click here to register.

You also have the option to register via social network. simply click the login button.


a popup will appear


If you have never registered before, clicking the facebook or Google+ buttons will allow you to register on our website. If you have registered before as long as the email addresses are the same you can connect your accounts via facebook and google+. Social login provides the ease of use of not having to remember your password.

If you decide to register the register button you will need to keep track of your username and password. You will also need to login once your have registered. Social registration does not require a login after you register. You already are signed in.

You will know your have signed in as your will no longer see the login instead you will now see Log Out button in it's place.


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Now that you have signed in your going to want to choose the event type that is right for your event. Simply select the event type the matches your event.


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Once an event is submitted it then requires approval by one of our staff members. Depending on how many events events have been submitted to our system in can take up to 72 hours for the event to been approved. This usually is not the case however. It can take time so be patent and if you submitted your event correctly it will be approved. Once approved it will be live on our website. Approved events will be also visible in the mobile app.
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Submit An Event - Where To Dance Nashville