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Eastside Swing: Classes and Social Dance 7:00PM @ Tm Productions - May 5th Every 1st & 3nd Thursday Each Month

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Eastside Swing: Classes and Social Dance

1st & 3nd Thursday's of every month

7:00PM - 10:00PM

Tm Productions

630 Rundle Ave Nashville TN, 37210

Every 1st and 3rd Thursday: Eastside Swing

7:7:45pm Group Class: We provide vintage swing dance classes in basic swing, Lindy Hop, Balboa, Charleston, and solo Jazz  

7:45-8pm Free Beginner Swing

8-10pm Social: Vintage Swing Dance


$10.00 class or dance only

Discount available for students

$15.00 class plus dance

Discount available for students

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding classes or our vintage social swing dance.

Name: Sue Hawn
Phone: (615) 418-7535

Tm Productions

630 Rundle Ave Nashville TN, 37210

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