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August Brazilian Zouk + Kizomba Social 7:00PM @ Global Education Center, Studio In The Back Alley - Friday, August 18th, 2023

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August Brazilian Zouk + Kizomba Social

Friday, August 18th, 2023

7:00PM - 11:00PM

Global Education Center, Studio In The Back Alley

4822 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209

Nashville Zouk & Global Latin Dance present our August Brazilian Zouk + Kizomba Social!

Where: Studio B (around back) of the Global Education Center (4822 Charlotte Ave.)
When: Zouk class 8:00pm-9:00pm. Social 9:00pm until midnight or later! Music by DJ La Sirena.
No partner or experience required.

Cost: $15 studio fee at the door (cash, card, or Venmo to @NashvilleZouk).
---> Pay $10 on Venmo to @NashvilleZouk with the subject line "8/18 social" by 11:59pm on Wednesday, 8/16 for a discount! (Last 4 digits of phone number= 5764). If we do not have enough folks pre-register, the social may be cancelled, and money will be refunded. ***Aside from Nashville Zouk cancelling, there will be no other refunds, credits, or transfers allowed. Thank you for understanding!***

NOTE: Nashville Zouk Fall Season participants (it's not too late to sign up! will receive FREE entry to this social. Please let Shelby know by 8/16 if you plan on attending, so that you may be added to the list at the door.

BYOB, your dance shoes, and some friends! Extra parking in the park across the street. Please don’t park in the alley!

FB Event Link:

Gentle disclaimer: This site is not the host. Sudden schedule changes can occur. You should confirm the event details with the host, venue, check the original link (above), and feel free to ask questions. Let’s dance!


$15.00 at the door

$10.00 discount in description

Pay $10 on Venmo to @NashvilleZouk with the subject line "8/18 social" by 11:59pm on Wednesday, 8/16 for a discount! (Last 4 digits of phone number= 5764).

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our event.

Name: Tonya Miller
Phone: 1(615) 419-5103
Promoter website: http://www.

Global Education Center, Studio In The Back Alley

4822 Charlotte Pike, Nashville, TN 37209

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