Do you want to progress more quickly in your casino dancing?
We are excited to offer a 4-week progressive series! No drop-ins, so we will be able build upon your skills each week.
Event by Nashville Rueda
Global Education Center Studio at Casa Azafran
Public · Anyone can join!
Early bird price $70 until April 2nd! $80 after April 2nd
Pay Here:
During this four week series, we will be teaching you how to improve your body movement, different turn combinations, and fun new moves that will have you feeling confident on the dance floor! This will also be required to take the intermediate Casino class with our guest instructor, Paul Cassens of the D.C. Casineros on Sat May 13th. All levels welcome to take this series! No partner needed! Una Bulla!
FB Event Link:
Gentle disclaimer: Sudden schedule changes can occur. You should confirm the event details with the host, venue, check the original link (above), and feel free to ask questions. Let’s dance!
$80.00 for the series
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