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Salsa Classes- Beg. & Int. w. Laynee & Juanita 7:00PM @ Ballroom Of Nashville - Apr 25th Every Monday

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Salsa Classes- Beg. & Int. w. Laynee & Juanita

Every Monday

7:00PM - 9:00PM

Ballroom Of Nashville

4928 Edmonson Pike, Unit 107 Nashville TN, 37211

Learn to Salsa Dance! Laynee teaches privates, group lessons and dance parties in tap, jazz, Latin, swing, ballroom, musical theatre, and more!

7pm Beginner Salsa Class
8pm Intermediate Salsa Class
w. Laynee and Juanita
@ The Ballroom of Nashville


$15.00 per person

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our event.

Name: Tonya Miller
Phone: 1(615) 419-5103

Ballroom Of Nashville

4928 Edmonson Pike, Unit 107 Nashville TN, 37211

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