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Salsa @ Play! Free as always! 7:00PM @ Play Dance Bar - Jul 20th Every Wednesday

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Salsa @ Play! Free as always!

Every Wednesday

7:00PM - 11:00PM

Play Dance Bar

1519 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37203

Welcome Salseros, Bachateros, Hustleros, Swingueros, Cha-Chateros, Rumberos, & all other manner of dance mayhem!

Learn from the BEST dance instructors in Nashville for FREE!
7:00 Doors open! Mingle and share some dancing tips with Tonya.
7:30 Free Class w. Tonya!*
8:30 Super Social! Latin & Rhythm Ope Dance!

Play has a dedicated FREE parking lot off of 15th Ave. N. and Church St. Turn at 15th by Deja Vu, walk behind a building, and up to the crosswalk. The map is in the pictures below.

Dancing is an excellent activity for social, physical and mental fitness! Our group averages about 40 people in class and over 80 for social dancing. Come by yourself and/or bring friends!

Wear comfortable clothes to dance in, smell good and smile! (I might suggest non-rubber soled-shoes. The best shoe soles to dance in on this floor are hard-leather-soles.)

*For the class, we may do salsa, bachata, merengue, cha cha, hustle, and swing (east and west) depending on available teachers The beginner-centric class is free and open. You do not need a partner to attend. While Tonya does not teach private lessons, Tonya is delighted to refer teachers who do. Feel free to come at 7:00 pm and ask Tonya any dance questions.

Please come and DANCE! It's FREE!
Salsa & Tango Hugs!
Tonya Miller-Hire

This event is free to attend.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our event.

Name: Tonya Miller
Phone: 1(615) 419-5103

Play Dance Bar

1519 Church Street, Nashville, TN 37203

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