Country and Swing dancing with The AUSTIN BROTHERS BAND to benefit the BUILDING LIVES FOUNDATION!!
Building Lives blesses Nashville area Veterans and their families in need to help them with housing, jobs, transportation, mentor programs and more.
The host facility, EZELL-HARDING CHRISTIAN SCHOOL, has a large gymnasium space with tons of room for two-stepping, WCS and more!
The Austin Brothers play the absolute best in classic Country music....truly a great dance band!! And we plan to have music during any intermissions so the dance floor stays warm! Bottled water will be provided, along with snacks. Perfect dance night right??
(NOTE: current times are an estimate. Exact event times TBA)
If you would like to help by bringing some some sort of finger food appetizer/dessert that would be an extra blessing!!
NOTE: APPROPRIATE DANCE SHOES/BOOTS REQUIRED. Please be extremely mindful of the facilities newly refinished floor so we leave no black heel marks. Thank you!
Ezel-Harding Christian is located on Bell Road just off of I-24 in Antioch.
Learn more about the Building Lives Foundation and other ways you can help at
$20.00 per person
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