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Otter Creek Dance! Swing, Country & Ballroom 7:00PM @ Otter Creek Church 7:00PM @ Otter Creek Church - Oct 21st Every 3rd Saturday Each Month

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Otter Creek Dance! Swing, Country & Ballroom 7:00PM @ Otter Creek Church

3rd Saturday's of every month

7:00PM - 10:00PM

Otter Creek Church

409 Franklin Rd, Brentwood, TN 37027

The well-loved Saturday night swing dance at Otter Creek church is back and we are SO excited! Dances will be held in the gymnasium around the back side of the building. People of all ages and stages are welcome--even if you're new and have never danced before! We hope you will join us!
We offer a free beginning and intermediate lesson at 7 and then open dancing 8-10.

### This event is free to attend.

Promoter website:

This event is free to attend.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about our event.

Name: Tonya Miller
Phone: 1(615) 419-5103
Promoter website: http://www.

Otter Creek Church

409 Franklin Rd, Brentwood, TN 37027

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