Event by Vanderbilt Tango Club - VTC
Milonga Soñar (a tango dance party) at Vanderbilt University with DJ Rachel Sumner
When: First Sundays, 2-5 pm
Cost: FREE for students, everyone else $5
FB Event Link: https://fb.me/e/2Vyc1j72B
Directions to Rand Hall Dining Center Dance Floor and free parking:
Park at the meters on West End Avenue around 23rd Avenue North. (You'll find meters on 23rd too.) Walk up 23rd North toward the campus, past the circle & on to the sidewalk, keep walking straight, past Alumni Field. You will see Rand Hall. Keep walking straight down the sidewalk past Fleming Yard (see our map posted in the comments). Enter on the last door on the right into the Rand Hall Dining Center.
If this is your first time coming, plan a little extra time to find us. The map should help. It is easy once you have found us the first time.
$5.00 nonstudents
$0.00 free for students
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