FREE OPEN HOUSE WITH FREE LESSONS, 9/12/23 & 9/19/23. LEARN MODERN WESTERN STYLE SQUARE DANCING. ALL AGES. NO SPECIAL ATTIRE NEEDED. IF YOU KNOW YOU'RE LEFT FROM YOUR RIGHT, YOU CAN LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE. IT'S GREAT FUN, GOOD EXERCISE, AND YOU'LL MEET & MAKE LIFELONG FRIENDS. Square Dancing is fun for all ages. We dance to a Caller who uses all types of music. We have some dancers to share, but bring your partner if you have one. If you're new to Square Dancing, come visit and see what it's all about. If you haven't square danced in a while, come on out, you'll be surprised how much you remember. We, currently, dance in a rented space at Christ Lutheran Church, which is a smoke-free, alcohol-free venue. Please "Like" us on our Facebook page, and check there for unexpected cancellations. Hope to see you across the Square.
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